Tsavkko Garcia, Raphael
Publication year: 2017

Catalans woke up on the day after the terrorist attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils in august 17 just to be surprised by another wave of attacks, coming from two of Spain’s largest daily newspapers and other Spanish media outlets.

In two hard-hitting editorials in El País and El Mundo dedicated themselves to pointing out the perpetrators, aside from ISIS, of the terrorist attacks that killed 14 people in Barcelona and in the city of Cambrils: The Catalan independence movement.

According to El País, “An attack of this magnitude has to be a knockdown that that brings Catalan political forces back to reality – forces such as the Government, the Parliament, and the movements for independence which have made the secessionist chimera the sole focus of the Catalan political agenda in recent years. It is time to end this ‘democratic’ nonsense, the flagrant violation of laws, the games of deception, the political opportunism. It is time that our rulers, all our rulers, work for the benefit of the true and main interests of citizens.’

In other words, it is time for Catalans to abandon their games and accept Spanish dominance. We must pay particular attention to the “democratic nonsense” mentioned by the editorial. In some Spanish circles, giving to the people the opportunity to vote is pretty much the same as to impose the will of a minority over a majority. El Mundo newspaper, on the other hand, was perhaps milder, confining itself to stating that ‘These events must make the Catalan authorities reflect on a immigrant reception policy in which sometimes electoral interests, linked to independence, have dominance over national security.

Full article at Red Pepper Magazine’s website. Date of publication: 15/12/2017

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